Printed Crest Flags | Glasgow & Online Printer | Lunar Print
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Crest Flags

Crest Flags

With a curvy, more organic appeal our Crest Flags are a great way to advertise your message or business.

  • 2.6m - 4.9m in height
  • Fully machine washable (so design something evergreen that can be pulled out and used time and again)
  • Choice of bases 

When submitting artwork, please send us two files: one with the artwork template visible and overlaid on your artwork, and another with the template removed, displaying only your artwork.

We use the first document to check your files are accurate, and we will proof and print the second document.

  • 300dpi resolution
  • Supply at a scale of 25% (Our templates are supplied at 25% scale)
  • Please convert black (100% K) to true black (C:100 M:100 Y:100 K:100) If you supply artwork as black (100% K) Your design will be printed as navy blue.
  • Include 3mm bleed on all sides
  • Supply as a CMYK PDF, preferably PDF/x1a
  • Outline or embed fonts

Once you have placed your order you can upload your print ready artwork. When submitting artwork, please send us two files: one with the artwork template visible and overlaid on your artwork, and another with the template removed, displaying only your artwork.



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